School Transport
There are several separate bus routes operating to serve The Cotswold School.
Pupils living beyond a three mile radius of the school are entitled to a free school bus pass if The Cotswold School is their nearest secondary school. Once parents have been allocated a place at The Cotswold School they need to contact Gloucestershire County Council Transport Division for a bus pass. This can be done by either phoning them on 01452 425000 or by going to the Gloucestershire County Council webpage for school transport.
Parents of pupils living outside the catchment are responsible for the costs of any transport provided. To apply for non-entitled home to school transport parents should contact either Gloucestershire County Council as above or Pulhams Coaches by phoning 01451 820369. Applications can be made at any time during the school year. You will not be able to travel on school buses unless you have applied formally, made the required payments and received a valid bus pass. You must sign up to the pupil code of conduct when applying for school transport and pupils must carry their passes with them each time they wish to travel on the bus as failure to do so could result in them not being able to travel on the bus.
Transport is by modern coach. Each pupil will have a seat, fitted with a seat belt. Details of routes and times are sent direct to parents by Gloucestershire County Council in time for the new school year. Replacement passes (for a lost pass) are available at a charge of £10 from School Transport Division, Education Department, Shire Hall, Gloucester GL1 2TP.
All queries concerning school transport should be made to Gloucestershire County Council on: 01452 425000.