Student leadership and student voice

School Council
Representatives from all years can join the council. Mr Ellis, who hosts the sessions, says, “The council’s objective is to establish a set of ideals that all future school representatives can promote and use to influence meaningful change in the school. For example, the members are keen to address some of the existing gender gaps and to open up debate in a way that will allow all students to truly feel a part of the process. They also asked for more outdoor seating to enhance their breaktime experience.” Maya, a member of school council won election to the UK Youth Parliament as the Member for The Cotswolds and Stroud. Read Maya’s story here.
Head Students and Leaders
When in Year 12, students can stand for election by their peers in Term 5 and represent the school at events such as Awards Evening and Remembrance Day. The school elects four Head Students and several other leaders. Click here to meet our Head Student team
Student Leaders (appointed by Sixth Form)
Equality and Diversity
Community Links
We also appoint student leaders from Sixth Form who support Heads of Year in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 3
Subject Ambassadors
Our Sixth Form students take on roles as Subject Ambassadors, to support and encourage the learning of younger members of the school. Subject ambassadors’ work includes representation at Open Evenings, welcoming families from Year 6 as well as students who are considering joining the Sixth Form. They also support the fun events held throughout the year, such as British Science Week, Art and Music clubs and sports tournaments.
Year 11 Prefects
Appointed by Head of Year and Senior Leaders, Prefects are selected on merit and are given a range of responsibilities and privileges. Click here to read more.
Eco Council / Green Group
Across the school, we promote sustainable practices and protection of the environment. Our Eco Council representatives are central to that. Read how Rebecca, who set up Green Group, has pursued her commitment to confronting climate change. She co-developed a play that toured the UK and performed at Cop 26. Read Rebecca’s story, “I Stand For What I Stand On”
The Cotswold Charter
Every student has had the opportunity to contribute their ideas to our charter. It states our whole-school intentions for equity, tolerance and respect and upholding every child’s right ‘to be you’. It promotes everyone’s right and responsibility to learn and thrive at our school. A steering committee of students meets periodically through the year and the charter’s values are often explored in tutor time and assemblies.