Introduction to our Governing Body
Governors are tasked with overseeing the long-term development of the school and provide strategic support and monitoring. Ultimately, all governor responsibilities come back to this brief and can be split into three core roles:
- To support and challenge school decisions on all aspects;
- To provide strategic management and monitor progress;
- To make executive decisions e.g. financial and staffing and building.
Who are our Governors?
Our Governing Body is made up of volunteers from staff, parents and the local community, who have a range of expertise between them which they bring to the various committees they sit on. There are six Full Governing Board meetings a year lasting about two hours each.
Each governor sits on one or more sub committees, which are most relevant to their background and expertise. Each committee has a specific range of briefs which determine what they do and monitor throughout the year. Committees also recommend policies to the Full Governing Board for ratification and report back on specific issues that they have discussed. Committees meet three or four times a year.
Click on a name to find out more
CHAIR: Mr A Parker
CO-OPTED GOVERNORS: Mr A Parker, Dr G Hadley, Revd K Scott, Mr B Backhouse, Ms R Havill, Mr Nicholas Hartnell, Mrs L Morrison, Mr D Souch
PARENT GOVERNORS: Mr A Burgess, Captain J Evanson, Mrs P Worne, Ms B Townend-Jowitt, Mr D Mathias
STAFF GOVERNORS: Mr W Morgan (Headteacher, Ex Officio), Mrs S Brown, Mr G Thomas
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Mr P White, Mrs J Carter, Mr B Edwards, Mr S Smith, Mrs T Steel, Mr P Dean
MEMBERS: Mrs A Everitt, Mr R Hadley, Mrs L Rowley, Mrs F Hudson, Mr A Parker
Trustees (governors) and Members of the Academy Trust report at every meeting details of any pecuniary interest they may have. A record of governors’ pecuniary interests is published below
How are our Governors elected?
Co-opted Governors are nominated and elected into office by the Governing Board.
Parent Governors are elected into office by the school’s parents.
Staff Governors (teaching and non-teaching) are elected into office by all members of the school staff.
Associate Members are representatives of the school’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and are elected into office by governors but do not have voting rights. They provide an invaluable insight into the daily running of the school.
Local Authority Governors are nominated by the Local Authority and elected into office by the Governing Board.
The Clerk to Governors is appointed by the Governing Board.
Please direct any correspondence to the governors via the Clerk as follows:
The Clerk to Governors, The Cotswold School, The Avenue, Bourton on the Water, Gloucestershire GL54 2BD
or via email:
or via telephone: 01451 820554.