Careers and Further Education – overview and resources

At The Cotswold School, learning about jobs, careers and employability skills is woven into the daily curriculum from Year 7 to Year 13. We enhance this learning at careers-themed events throughout the year, which are supported by local, national and global businesses. The nature of work is changing and we can all help prepare children with optimism for life beyond full-time education.

Careers Lead: Mr White, Head of Sixth Form, Deputy Headteacher


Phone: 01451 820554

Click here to view our Provider Access Policy Statement

Careers and Employability Skills Programme

Careers & Colleges Fair
Each October 40-50 employers, businesses, organisations and local sixth form colleges exhibit in the School Hall and Theatre. We invite students and their parents/guardians to peruse the information and have conversations with the exhibitors. There is always a productive and buzzy atmosphere at this annual event.

Farming & Rural Economy Careers Fair
This biennial summer event is co-organised with farmers and members of our local rural economy community. Students meet exhibitors from a diverse range of rural enterprises, from sheep farmers to arable farmers, from tree surgeons to racehorse trainers, and from land agents to dry stone wall constructors. This is a very enjoyable event in the school calendar, which enhances our students’ understanding of employment opportunities in the Cotswold region.

Careers Talks
Each Spring Term we offer a programme of talks from guest speakers. Students can choose which talks they will attend. There is always plenty of opportunity to ask questions. The topics vary from year to year and have included: midwifery, architectural engineering, TV production, writing and publishing, consultancy apprenticeship, educational psychology, law, broadcasting, hotel management, policing, finance and cyber security.

One-to-one Careers Advice
Alison Williams, a Level 6 qualified Independent Careers Adviser, attends The Cotswold School one day per week to advise our students. Key Stage 4 students are her main focus, however students from any Year group may request an appointment.

Careers resources

All Cotswold students have access to a range of printed and digital resources, including the subscription website ‘Unifrog’.

We have a range of printed resources, including: a Careers section in our library; Careers-related books and leaflets in department areas; prospectuses, reference guides and booklets in our Sixth Form Centre; posters and displays of information around the school. If you are looking for particular information, don’t hesitate to contact our Careers team, via or 01451 820554, who will be happy to help.

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Careers resources: People

Who's who in careers and employability support at our school?
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Careers resources: Websites

Great websites to help you find out more about your future
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Careers resources: Unifrog

Making the most of Unifrog for parents, carers and students
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Learning about careers – what, when and how

  • Exploring your own skills and qualities and how these link to different jobs/careers
  • Technology at work
  • Overcoming barriers
  • Introduction to Unifrog, and recording on your Unifrog account the extra-curricular activities you have done in and out of school, which help you to develop employability skills
  • Planning and costing a school trip to New York, plus a presentation
  • Using the Study Higher Booklet “All about me”
  • Continued use of information on Unifrog
  • Adding to your Activities and Competencies logs, to give evidence of your developing skills
  • A focus on GCSE options and how these link to career opportunities
  • Using the Study Higher Booklet “My Future Options”
  • Finding out about jobs that may suit you by using the ‘Interests Profile’, ‘Personality Profile’ and ‘Work Environments Profile’ on Unifrog
  • Discussing gender stereotypes at work
  • Learning about social media and job and apprenticeship applications
  • A trip to a university to get an early view of what Higher Education has to offer
  • A trip for selected students (who may be in receipt of the Pupil Premium grant) to three local businesses in Bourton (such as Summit Medical, Paxton & Whitfield, Hacklings Logistics)
  • A focus on money and finances
  • Sourcing your own work experience placement
  • Preparing for work experience
  • Undertaking a one-week placement in July of Year 10
  • Taking part in follow-up activities, culminating in the award of the Work Experience Cup
  • Interviews: theory and practice
  • 20 minute practice interview with a local businessperson for all students
  • Information, advice and guidance on post-16 options, including: apprenticeships; employment with training; T levels and vocational study options; colleges; Sixth Form at The Cotswold School
  • Support with CV writing and applications for Sixth Form, colleges and apprenticeships
  • Information, advice and guidance on university, job and apprenticeship applications
  • Evening event for parents in February of Year 12 to discuss destinations
  • Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Careers workshops: Two off-timetable days in June of Year 12, where students hear from a range of guest speakers and engage in practical workshops, such as drafting a university personal statement or job/apprenticeship application letter
  • One week of professional work shadowing in July of Year 12
  • For some students, according to suitability: extended work/industry placements
  • Practice interviews for students applying for Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Teaching, Social Work, Oxbridge or for anyone else who requires an interview
  • One-to-one support with personal statements and references for all university applicants
  • One-to-one support with portfolios for all Art Foundation course applicants
  • Oxbridge & Russell Group university preparation programme (regular lunchtime sessions throughout the year)
  • Applying to study Medicine – preparation programme
  • Preparation for life, work and study beyond secondary school. This includes: money management; cooking on a budget; car maintenance; personal safety; independence skills – time management, intrinsic motivation; the law; professional conduct.

We review our Careers and Employability Skills programme annually, taking into account the views of students, staff, parents/guardians, and the feedback from all the businesses and organisations involved in the programme. All Careers events and other aspects of our Careers programme are fully evaluated by all relevant stakeholders at appropriate intervals. For example, an evaluation form in sent to all exhibitors, students and parents after our annual Careers Fair. The results of this are analysed in order to continually improve our programme. Formative assessment of students’ learning is built into the taught elements of our Careers programme for all Year groups.

We are always keen to expand and develop our Careers and Employability Skills provision, so we welcome any offers of help.

Could you…

Talk to students about your career?

Join our team of practice interviewers?

Host a trip for students to your workplace?

Offer a work experience placement?

If so, please contact our Careers Department via