Curriculum overview
The Cotswold School has at its heart the values of ‘friendship and knowledge’. Our vision is that, by the time they leave our school, every child has gained the knowledge they need to succeed in their lives.
Click the links below to find out more:
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)
Extensive Extra-Curricular Programme
The accumulation of knowledge of a rich and broad curriculum– by all students – is at the centre of what we do. From their first day in Year 7, we want students to discover a love for learning and knowledge that will help them select their GCSE courses and progress successfully throughout their school life and into the future. We can offer a variety of pathways as each student progresses through the school but always ensure that doors are open to everyone to enjoy our full and well developed curriculum offering.
Starting with the national curriculum, our expert subject leaders carefully consider what a student should know at each stage of their progression in school. In some areas, they have gone beyond the content of the national curriculum to give students the knowledge they need to address life in modern Britain.
Our curriculum is fully mapped to ensure that subjects can draw out inter-related content and that teachers across the school understand the wider picture of what each student is learning.
We have carefully sequenced the chosen content, ensuring students build on their previous knowledge and are clear about what they are expected to achieve. We use assessment to ensure the correct components of knowledge are in place before progression.
For more information about each subject area, please see individual subject pages.
It is a curriculum based on parity of opportunity with every effort made to identify and address under-achievement. A core value is to ensure that disadvantaged pupils (Pupil Premium and SEND) are given an outstanding education and the support they need to make progress at least in line with their peers.
Our curriculum is designed to be inspiring and to build curiosity. It is engaging and relevant to the modern world in which we live.
We hope to develop independence and confidence whilst helping students to develop their own approaches to learning and development. Critical thinking and problem solving are inherent in many of our subjects and approaches. Ours is also a curriculum that has the real world and future employability at its heart. As our school mission statement says, we are “Creating Brilliant Futures”.