On Friday May 10, nine students who have completed their Gold DofE were invited to Buckingham Palace to celebrate their achievements. Mr Ockleston, DofE Co-ordinator, commented.
“On May 10 I was invited, along with 9 of our pupils who completed their Gold DofE award in the last year to a garden party at Buckingham Palace. This event was to celebrate the hard work and achievement of the young people who completed their award (and also the parents who supported them). During the party there were two military bands playing, a chance to explore the gardens and speeches from the DofE himself and several special guests. This was topped off with tea and cake. I had a wonderful day and saw several of the successful Cotswold School students. This really is a massive reason to finish your DofE; when I sent our family group chat a picture of my invite she said “I know you didn’t get the award, but I’m so proud you got an invite!”
A huge well done to all of those involved, what a fabulous achievement!