Unit 7 Safeguarding
Year group: 13
When taught: October to December
What are we learning?
Topic 1: Understand types and signs of abuse
Topic 2: Understand factors which may lead to abusive situations
Topic 3: Understand legislation, regulatory requirements and guidance that govern the safeguarding of adults, young people and children.
Topic 4: Understand how to deal with suspected abuse and disclosures of abuse
Topic 5: Understand working strategies and procedures for the safeguarding and protection of adults, young people and children
Topic 6: Understand how workers within health, social care and child care environments can minimise the risk of abuse
Why is this important to know?
Safeguarding involves promoting the human rights, needs and interests of adults, children and young people as well as protecting them from potential harm and abuse. It is fundamental to the provision of high-quality, safe and professional health and social care. In this unit, students will learn abut the different types and signs of abuse as well as factors that may lead to abusive situations occurring. They will learn about the legislation and guidance in place to safeguard adults, children and young people. Finding out how to respond to suspicions and disclosures of abuse as well as the procedures to follow for reporting abuse will help students to understand their safeguarding responsibilities. Knowing how to reduce the likelihood of abuse occurring will be crucial to the effective safeguarding and protection of adults, young people and children.
Where does this link into our past and future learning?
- This links to Unit 9 supporting people with learning difficulties, Unit 12 Promoting positive behaviour, Unit 14 The impact of long-term physiological conditions, Unit 16 Dementia care and unit 17 supporting people with mental health conditions.
How will we be assessed on this topic?
- An official exam in Jan of Y13
What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?
- Attention to detail and use of specific examples
- Using key terms correctly
- Giving balanced answers that look at different viewpoints
- A willingness to explore complex moral debates and arguments
What key words are there in this topic?
Quizlet, click here Scroll down to Unit 6
What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?
- Read more in depth on specific health, social and child care settings and on articles. There are also very interesting documentaries on this.
What wider reading can be done on this topic?
- Read more in depth on specific health, social and child care settings and on articles
Supporting document/links:
- Knowledge organiser
- Info in the resources folder
- Quizlet, click here