Topic title: Free time
Year group: 9
When taught: Dec / Jan / Feb
What are we learning?
- Hobbies & free time activities:
- Online activities
- Hobbies in general – times & frequency
- Music preferences
- Inviting people out
- Film reviews
- Making plans
- Grammar:
- Tense revision
- Separable verbs
- Word order
- Adverbs
- Intensifiers & quantifiers
Why is this important to know?
- It increases pupils awareness of popular films and musical artists in German speaking countries
- It gives pupils more confidence when meeting & getting to know German native speakers – a skill they may need if involved in the exchange in Year 10
- It develops role-play skills – essential for business & travel abroad
Where does this link into our past and future learning?
- This topic builds on vocabulary learnt when this topic came up in Year 7 and follows on from the grammar studied in the topic before Christmas
- Learning to talk about hobbies is an excellent way to revisit rules on German word order & revise the different tenses – linguistic skills necessary in all future topics
How will we be assessed on this topic?
- The next assessment will include vocabulary recall, dictation & reading aloud
What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?
- Attention to detail in spelling and grammar
- Independent writing which demonstrates a widening range of linguistic structure
- An ability to self-assess independent writing
- Greater confidence when reading aloud, doing dictation tasks and when performing role-plays
- At the highest level, pupils will be able to create their own role-plays, being creative within the linguistic parameters set
What key words are there in this topic?
- See vocab in file in freetime section
- You could use the wordwall activities linked on Satchel to revise actively
What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?
languages online – grammar practice
- Have a look at the Stretch & Challenge Lotto grid in your file