Our Pupil Leadership Groups; Environment; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Learning Life; Wellbeing; Careers and Futures; and Charity and Community, have been set up to look at the development and improvement of these sections of our school life, taking into account student voice and developing leadership skills.

The Pupil Leadership Group, ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’, met to discuss priorities for the year ahead.

‘We believe in a school where everyone feels like they belong, they are included, they are understood and they are valued.’

The group’s  challenge is to build on relationships and recognising our common Human Rights. The UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out a number of important aspects to the rights of ALL children around the world. There are 54 ‘Articles’ which are written into international law.

Article 29 – Goals of Education

Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for themselves, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

Respect for themselves. Respecting yourself…. Do you value yourself?   What is your worth?

Thank you to Maxine (Y12);  Lincoln and Amelie (Y9); Kathleen (Y8); Eli, Summer, Aimee, Anna and Ava (Y7) who recently held an assembly on ‘worth’ and ‘value’.

What is our worth? What is our value? How much are our minds worth? With all of their knowledge, memories, and experiences – is one mind worth more than another? Does my brain hold a greater value than yours? Whose heart is worth the most? How do we convert our value and worth into happiness?

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