The PTA is well and truly back!

During the Covid years, fundraising opportunities were scarce because most of our activities involve people coming together for social events.

Thankfully parents, carers, teachers and support staff are back, too – you make the events that we organise. Together, we have raised over £15,700 to support all students at our school this year. 

How did we do it?

  • Christmas Wreath-Making returned live in the school hall and raised £1,847.
  • The Christmas Raffle was popular and the draw was done in school (one lucky winner took away a Daylesford Hamper)! The event raised £2,344.
  • Quiz Night teams competed and raised £1,500, plus a £250 donation to Ukraine.
  • Cakes and Teas were back at the National Trust’s Chastleton House, raising £2,400 this year.
  • Car Parking has kept the PTA busy on many Saturdays throughout the Easter and Summer Terms and our current total is over £5,000.

In the last few days, PTA bars held at three Beauty and the Beast shows raised £1,177 – and at the fourth and final performance – combined with takings from the car boot sale, car parking and bar that PTA volunteers were running the same day – we took £1,447!

Where has the money been going?

  • The new Aird Library – we contributed £10,000
  • Duke of Edinburgh Awards kit and expeditions, run by Mr Ockleston – £1,700
  • Mobile cooking station for Design and Technology – £2,000
  • Printing press for the Art Department – £2,000
  • Books to improve Literacy – £630
  • and £400 to the library, to book guest authors to come and inspire students

We are currently looking at ways to help with refurbishing the Sixth Form Common Room, including equipment for a new Wellbeing space, a place of safety and quiet.

Many thanks to everyone on the Committee, to all our hardworking volunteers and to all of you who have given so generously and supported our efforts.

If you would like to be part of the PTA, please email Chris Bowen on