
This is the start of an exciting and important new stage in your education. Over the coming months, you will be laying the foundation for your future career and life path.

Success in the courses you are now studying will open doors to whatever you want to do in the future. For some of you, success will mean top grades, A levels, and university. For others, success will mean 5 or more GCSE passes at grade 4 or above – followed by vocational courses that develop the skills for work. Whatever your target, success will only be achieved one way – hard work.


Being successful at school is something everyone can achieve:

  • Actively take part in every lesson – thinking, questioning and discussing.
  • See every piece of classwork or homework as an opportunity to learn and to show your very best.
  • See your teachers and parents as supportive partners, helping you to succeed.
  • Make your success a personal priority. Dedication – day after day, throughout this year and next – is the only way you will achieve success.

It is quite usual for most Year 9 students to have no settled ideas about what they would like to do after leaving education. In this case, the best plan is to choose a challenging and balanced selection of courses from the range of subjects available. While the choice is the pupil’s; parents, teachers and our in-school careers guidance practitioners are all available to advise and help.

Mr S Smith | Deputy Headteacher
