Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
Taking exercise, getting plenty of sleep, eating well and limiting your social media time are all strategies for positive mental health and wellbeing.
Talking to someone you trust can help if you’re feeling low or worried about something. At school, you could talk to your tutor, your Head of Year, or a member of the pastoral care team. Staff at school will listen and can also direct you to organisations which can support and protect your positive mental health.
Have a look at the links to support services below, where expert advice is available, as well as coping strategies and suggestions for ways to protect your wellbeing and mental health.
The summer holidays break your routine, which can be a challenge. The Anna Freud Centre has help and support for self-care, click here for advice and resources.
Local charity Headspace helps support some children at The Cotswold School with counselling and has advice about positive mental health strategies. Find out more below.
Visit our E-Safety page, with advice and services to help you stay protected and safe online.
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child, email