Topic title: Micro Macro Continues
Year group: 8
When taught: January – February
What are we learning?
Pupils will explore the imagery of macrocosms and microcosms in a project that looks to introduce organic shape and form and that promotes experimenting with materials. Pupils will learn how to use wet materials in abstract and experimental ways, how to layer mixed media and how to draw in abstracted organic shapes and forms. Pupils look at the shapes and forms seen throughout the universe at different scales, from cellular to cosmic, creating artwork using imagery from both. Pupils also make a 3D object from the cosmos or microbiology as an extended homework.
Why is this important to know?
Understanding how to use wet media and explore organic texture is an enjoyable move away from representational art and observational drawing. The skills learnt in this project support wet material control in general and expand pupils’ understanding that art can be made about more than the immediately visible. It also highlights how subjects like Art and Science can crossover to interesting visual effect.
Where does this link into our past and future learning?
Micro Macro builds on the brush control and theoretical understanding obtained in year 7 Colour projects. The project also links to year 7 prior learning in science about cells and microbiology. The more experimental approaches to using materials and increased choice of imagery for pupils will continued in future projects.
How will we be assessed on this topic?
Students will be assessed practically at the end of the project focusing on the skills and creativity shown in their mixed media designs and extended homework.
What makes a strong piece of work in this topic? What are teachers hoping to see?
Strong work in Micro Macro should include the following;
- Clever use of organic imagery from microcosms and macrocosms
- skillfully drawn shapes, lines and forms
- balanced layout in final outcomes
- creative risks taken with materials
What key words are there in this topic?
- Microcosm
- Macrocosm
- Scale
- Universe
- Ecosystem
- Miniature
- Detail
- Perspective
- Structure
- Interconnected
- System
- Cell
- Galaxy
- Cosmic
- Fragment
What can I try if I want to stretch and challenge myself on this topic?
- Create your own extended designs based on organic imagery from microcosms and macrocosms.
- Try using macro lenses, microscopes or telescopes to explore photography of all things related to micro macro.
What wider reading can be done on this topic?
- A wide range of scientific imagery and photography would be ideal as further inspiration. Nasa websites for satellite photography, telescopic images of the cosmos etc. The YouTube channel for microbiological video is just one good example.