Key Stage 3
Curriculum Outline Key Stage 3
Year 7 - Curriculum Map
Find out moreYear 8 - Curriculum Map
Find out moreYear 9 - Curriculum Map
Find out moreKey Stage 4
In Years 10 and 11 we deliver GCSE Maths Higher and Foundation using the exam board AQA, Level 2 AQA Further Maths and AQA Entry Level Certificate for some students.
GCSE Higher Curriculum Outline
Find out moreGCSE Higher Mathematics Specification
Find out moreGCSE Foundation Curriculum Outline
Find out moreGCSE Foundation Mathematics Specification
Find out moreKey Stage 5
In Years 12 and 13 we offer AQA A Level, Further A Level Maths and AQA Level 3 Mathematical Studies. Maths is an extremely popular choice at the Sixth Form with courses to meet every learning need. An extensive support system is put in place to support STEP/ MAT examinations prior to university.
Curriculum Outline Level 3 Mathematical Studies
Curriculum Outline A level (Year 12)

Curriculum Outline A level (Year 13)
Curriculum Outline Further Mathematics (Year 12)
Curriculum Outline Further Mathematics (Year 13)
Approaches to Learning and Assessment
In our Maths classrooms we use a wide variety of approaches to make all learners successful. We assess termly and produce detailed analysis for each individual based on the assessment – this ensures we can help support and further improve all our students and help them make progress.
How is Maths organised at The Cotswold School
Year 7 is split into three bands of three teaching groups. In the first week at school students do a baseline test which is marked with question level analysis so we can see every student’s strengths and weaknesses. The following week they are put into sets based on their raw Key Stage 2 results and baseline test scores.
We understand the initial setting will cause concern and anxiety for some students and parents/carers. Our aim is to ensure students are placed in the most appropriate learning environment at that point of their learning journey at the school. There is no ceiling in the Maths Department, we want every student to maximise their potential in maths. We have had many examples of students who were initially in a lower set achieving grades 7-9 at GCSE. In Year 8 and 9 students are in linear sets spread across the whole year group.
Students are assessed termly throughout Key Stage 3 with set changes at the end of each term, unless a decision is made by the teacher that a student is in the wrong place earlier on in the term.
At Key Stage 4 students are split into two bands with five sets in each band. Students are assessed termly.
What equipment is required in Maths?
In maths lessons you will need to have a pen, pencil and rubber together with mathematical drawing instruments (e.g. compass, ruler and protractor).
We expect all students to bring and use a scientific calculator and this is essential for two of the examinations papers. The school has mathematical equipment and calculators for sale.
Packs are available for sale at the Year 7 transition evening.
Expectations in Mathematics
Find out moreSupporting Individual Students
Our lessons focus on quality first teaching that support the needs of all learners through scaffolding support, fluency and mastery with challenging problems to embed a deep understanding and ensuring students make progress. All students are set weekly homework. To help with methods, use your child’s notebooks – these show the methods that are taught in the lessons and describe how to present workings.
We offer one to one support for Year 9 students on a Wednesday evening. Intervention and support programmes run throughout Key Stage 3. Students are identified by the school and parents/carers are contacted.
At Key Stages 4 and 5 extensive support is given to students through the Maths coaching programme.
Maths resources used by the Mathematic Department, click the links below:
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
We encourage all students of all ages to take part in our extra-curricular offer. We celebrate problem solving, automaticity and proficiency.
Extra – curricular opportunities include; Maths Challenge – 680 students took part in Maths Challenges from year 7-13, this year we secured 24 Gold, 79 Silver and 171 Bronze. 16 qualified for the next round with one student qualifying for the Olympiad; Pi Challenge – the winner remembered 374 digits of Pi; Bridge Club; Mathletics Club, Games Club; Rubix Cube Club; Nintendo Club; Academic Sports Day; Mr Dee’s Annual Maths Lecture; Countdown House competition and external speakers.