Business Studies
The aim of the Business studies curriculum is to provide students with a deeper understanding of the real business world and to equip them with the appropriate knowledge and skills needed to develop their employability and identify business problems and opportunities.
At Key Stage 4 we have chosen to follow the Pearson Edexcel (9-1) specification for GCSE Business as the content is engaging and relevant for our students, and provides the breadth of study necessary for progression onto Level 3 courses post-16. In addition, we offer the Cambridge National Level 2 Certificate in Enterprise and Marketing which provides a vocational option, allowing students the opportunity to engage with realistic business contexts and to develop their employability skills through a more varied assessment model (exams and coursework).
At Key Stage 5, there are progression opportunities for all students with A Level courses in both Business (AQA) and Economics (Edexcel), as well as a vocational route following the BTEC National Extended Certificate and Diploma in Business. This also offers an alternative assessment model consisting of both coursework and examined units. While the content is prescribed for all of these courses at both Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5, the department prides itself on the creation and use of engaging, up to date relevant resources, using contemporary context.
Our aims are for students to:
- develop a broad and balanced knowledge of business concepts
- show consideration of a range of viewpoints
- be aware of internal and external factors which impact the business environment
- become critical thinkers and be able to cope effectively with non-routine problem-solving
- develop an understanding of a range of ethical and environmental issues which impact them individually as well as businesses and business decisions
- understand the role businesses and consumers have in creating a more sustainable future
- have an awareness of the wider economic environment and their role in it
- have an understanding of the world of work and be aspirational in their outlook
- become adaptable and independent, willing and able to acquire new information and skills related to work
Pupils are encourage to read around the subject, particularly news articles, to maintain a current and up to date understanding of the subject and relevant subject-specific terminology. They are also supported to use appropriate terminology in their written work and in classroom discussion. Understanding of case study material is crucial for accurate application of subject knowledge as well as the ability to use information to support responses, construction of effective exam answers promoting the development of analytical and evaluative skills within a given context.
Numeracy is an important element of studying Business with pupils expected to be able to perform business calculations e.g. revenue, costs, profit/loss, break-even, cash flow, ARR, gross and net profit margins etc.
Approaches to Learning and Assessment
All members of the teaching team are subject specialists with extensive teaching experience. Good practice and teaching ideas and resources are shared on a regular basis with a centralised shared area for teaching and learning materials. All staff make use of awarding body resources and updates and training is made available where necessary. All staff keep up to date with news related to business and the economy as a matter of routine.
All of our courses are qualification based and so of course, we are bound by exam board objectives but we are a team that works hard to deliver an interesting, relevant and enjoyable curriculum for all students making extensive use of real-life examples and pupils’ own experience to bring the world of business to life.
Exam questions are used frequently in order for pupils to develop a good understanding of what is required in formal assessment. In order to develop effective analytical and evaluative skills, pupils are encouraged to use all of the information at their disposal and to consider a range of perspectives to draw on their subject knowledge. A range of teaching and learning materials have been developed within the department to support this.
Supporting Individual Students
Data is used to identify pupils with a range of needs. Where there are specific requirements, e.g. position in the room, use of a laptop, large print etc, these are accommodated and pupils are supported appropriately. Teacher- student relationships are key at The Cotswold School.
Additional support is put in place in the form of intervention sessions/additional study sessions/one-to-one support as appropriate. Resources are made available in a shared resources area allowing all pupils to access lesson and revision materials. Pupils are also encouraged to make use of websites such as GCSE Bitesize, Seneca, GCSE Pod, Tutor2u, BBC News etc., to support their learning.
Pupils are encouraged to read around the subject, particularly news articles, to maintain a current and up to date understanding of the subject and relevant subject-specific terminology. They are also supported to use appropriate terminology in their written work and in classroom discussion. Understanding of case study material is crucial for accurate application of subject knowledge as well as the ability to use information to support responses, construction of effective exam answers promoting the development of analytical and evaluative skills within a given context.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
We have a strong focus on careers education within the school and we have been lucky enough to have welcomed a number of guest speakers in to talk to Business students, in addition to a number of careers fayres.
We have taken students to Tutor2u revision conferences and we have regularly participated in the Chartered Institute of Public Finance (CIPFA) Team Management Games at Birmingham University.
In Key Stage 3, we are currently running an Enterprise Club for disadvantaged pupils in Years 7 and 8 as part of our cultural capital offer.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map
(click the links below for more information)
Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Topic 3 | |
Year 10 | Enterprise and entrepreneurship | Spotting a business opportunity | Putting a business idea into practice |
Year 11 | Making marketing decisions | Making human resource decisions |
Cambridge National Enterprise and Marketing Curriculum Map
(click the links below for more information)
Enterprise and Marketing Concepts
Topic 1 |
Enterprise and Marketing Concepts
Topic 2 |
Enterprise and Marketing Concepts
Topic 3 |
Enterprise and Marketing Concepts
Topic 4 |
Enterprise and Marketing Concepts
Topic 5 |
Design a Business Proposal – NEA | Market and Pitch a Business Proposal – NEA | |
Year 10 | Characteristics, Risks and Reward for Enterprise | Market Research to Target a Specific Customer | What Makes product Financially Viable | Design a Business Proposal – NEA | Market and Pitch a Business Proposal – NEA | ||
Year 11 | Creating a Marketing Mix to Support a Product | Factors to Consider when Starting Up and Running an Enterprise | Market and Pitch a Business Proposal – NEA |