
According to Charlemagne, “to have another language is to possess a second soul”. We as Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) teachers at The Cotswold School strongly believe that enabling students to communicate effectively in another language will allow them to access a new culture and way of life in the future. With this in mind, not only do we provide a broad curriculum, but we also ensure that students have the opportunity to use these languages in real life situations whilst on residential trips, exchanges and work experience trips.

We aim to provide all students with a broad, varied and interesting learning experience, that engages and inspires. We are a hard working department, with specialists in all three languages, who are supported by language assistants who work alongside classes.

We strive to give students a deep and comprehensive understanding of the language and the confidence to use the language in the future. It is our ambition that all students are confident in communicating both verbally and in writing, and are able to understand both spoken and written language to a good level.


Topics are chosen to cover the national curriculum and maintain interest, focusing on the three pillars of progression (phonics, vocabulary and grammar). A range of topics are covered, allowing grammar to be reinforced as it is regularly revisited through different areas of study. Students gain the knowledge of how the language is formed and used. They gain in confidence as they are able to communicate in another language and interact with people from other countries, widening their life experiences.

At GCSE the exam board is Edexcel, and students are assessed in four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

At A Level, students sit the AQA examinations. These consist of 3 papers, covering skills such as translations, summaries, reading and listening comprehension. There are also the speaking and writing papers that assess cultural knowledge and film and literature analytical abilities. In order to prepare these papers well, as well as timetabled lessons with subject specialists, students have lessons with our language assistants to further enhance their language skills. All A Level students will carry out an Individual Research Project as part of the A Level course, which encourages them to investigate and evaluate a topic that is linked to the language and culture being studied, and that is of particular interest to them.

Language learning offers an ideal platform to enhance personal development. We offer opportunities to take part in cultural exchanges (in person or via a pen pal links), work experience placements and residential trips which enable students to utilise their language skills, experience the wider world, and prepare them for future study.

We try to embed careers by discussing the skills that MFL as an academic discipline provides and how these relate to real world jobs. Each teacher has a ‘My Language Experience’ poster on their door for students to see and discuss. This allows students to see how we have used our language skills and how this has enhanced our lives and has led to many conversations about study and work abroad.

We also run a Language Leaders Programme for Year 9 and 12 students, enabling them to develop both their language skills and their personal skills as they prepare and then deliver lessons to Key Stage 2 students at our link primary school.

In Key Stage 5, students can apply to become a subject ambassador, helping to promote language learning and supporting younger pupils in lessons. MFL students are also regularly involved in the school mentoring programme, supporting younger students with language learning.

Approaches to Learning and Assessment:

All lesson activities are well thought out and sequenced in line with the Scheme of Work. Resources are the same for all students, ensuring equality of opportunity. A broad range of short, engaging activities are used in all lessons. They are tailored to individual classes to fulfil lesson intent. There is a culture of challenge and engagement in lessons and teachers direct students on how to challenge themselves in skill areas. Knowledge is embedded over time as concepts are revisited throughout Key Stage 3, 4 and 5. Reading and literacy skills are explicitly taught in lessons (understanding language formation/ tenses/ cognates/ reading for detail and gist). Aside from the curriculum, class teachers promote ideas for optional reading and watching at home to enhance language learning and encourage student’s interest in the subject.

At Key Stage 3, in line with school policy, all students will sit 3 formal assessments throughout the academic year. Alongside this, in order to track progress and inform planning, students will complete regular, informal vocabulary, phonics and grammar tests.

At Key Stages 4 and 5, a variety of skills will be tested throughout the year to provide exam experience for students and key data to inform planning and provide relevant revision opportunities.

Supporting Individual Students

All students follow the same curriculum to enable them to have equal opportunities. Structured and supported tasks are in place in lessons to enable good progression by all. In Years 7 and 8, middle ability groups have more curriculum time to enable them to access the same work, but with additional differentiated materials. We strongly believe in scaffolding, and structuring work so that it is accessible for all students of all abilities.

Students have ample opportunities to stretch and challenge themselves both during lessons and with extra-curricular opportunities such as the Language Olympiad, Trinity courses, and the National Language Competition run by GCHQ.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

As a department, we run a vast array of trips and cultural experiences, for example, Key Stage 3 residential trips to Barcelona, Paris and Rhineland. There are also opportunities to participate in our cultural exchanges to Cádiz, Lannion and Boppard, and the work experience trip to Madrid.

We also run weekly Language Clubs for Year 8 students and advise students of any cultural events, for example; literature festival speakers, film screenings, TV programmes that may be of interest to them.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map – Spanish

(click the links below for more information)

Year 7 My Family and Pets (Jan-March)
Year 8 Free Time 
Year 9 School in Spain and Spanish Speaking Countries (Dec – Feb)

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map – German 

(click the links below for more information)

Year 7 Introducing Yourself in More Detail  (Jan – March)
Year 8 Holidays (Dec – Feb)
Year 9 Free Time (Dec – Feb)

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map – French

(click the links below for more information)

Year 7 My Hobbies
Year 8 Paris (Dec-Feb)
Year 9 School (Jan-March)

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map

For more information on the Key Stage 4 Curriculum, visit

Year 10/11 Spanish Curriculum

Year 10/11 French Curriculum